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Samba unreachable from IFL running on Intel NUC D54250WYK

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:39 pm
by bernd.el.pan
Under IFL 2.92 I am trying to mount a Samba share as a backup destination but IFL does not find the server, entering the server name manually does not work either. How can I check whether IFL can reach the LAN at all? IFL is running on a Intel NUC D54250WYK, under Windows 7 its network is shown as 'Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-V'. Network drivers were required when installing Windows, will this be the same with IFL? If yes, how can I add specific driver to IFL?

Re: Samba unreachable from IFL running on Intel NUC D54250WY

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:22 pm
by TeraByte Support(TP)
bernd.el.pan wrote:
> Under IFL 2.92 I am trying to mount a Samba share as a backup destination
> but IFL does not find the server, entering the server name manually does
> not work either. How can I check whether IFL can reach the LAN at all? IFL
> is running on a Intel NUC D54250WYK, under Windows 7 its network is shown
> as 'Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-V'. Network drivers were required
> when installing Windows, will this be the same with IFL? If yes, how can I
> add specific driver to IFL?

The first thing would be to check if the network interface is up. To do that, right click the desktop and select Configure Network (if using IFL GUI), or select Auxiliary Menu, Network Configuration (if using IFL CUI). If any ethernet interfaces (eth0, eth1, etc) are "UP" with an IP address assigned, then you do have network connectivity. If not, create an IFL report (see below) and attach it to an email to TeraByte Support (

If your network interface is up, then attempt to connect to the Samba server by selecting "Auto Detect SMB Servers" from the Mount Network Shares menu, let it fail, and then create an IFL report and attach it to an email to TeraByte Support (

To create an IFL report, right click the desktop and select Create Report (GUI), or select Auxiliary Menu, Create Report (CUI). Then select a drive or partition to save the report to as prompted (a USB flash drive is handy for this). The report will be created as a text file at /tbu/report.txt. If needed, this KB article covers how to create an IFL report:

Re: Samba unreachable from IFL running on Intel NUC D54250WY

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:27 pm
by TeraByte Support(TP)
This problem was resolved by updating the NIC driver (e1000e) for the Intel NUC system to a newer version not yet included in the Linux kernel. This update will be in the next IFL release. Anyone who needs it sooner can email Terabyte Support (

Re: Samba unreachable from IFL running on Intel NUC D54250WY

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:14 pm
by bernd.el.pan
Sorry for my late reply and thank you for your information. Since the problem has already been addressed I assume you don't need any IFL report for more details?
What is the due date of that 'next release' you are talking of?

Re: Samba unreachable from IFL running on Intel NUC D54250WY

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:30 am
by TeraByte Support(TP)
bernd.el.pan wrote:
> Sorry for my late reply and thank you for your information. Since the
> problem has already been addressed I assume you don't need any IFL report
> for more details?
> What is the due date of that 'next release' you are talking of?

Right, there's no need to send a report.

I don't have a date for the next release, but as mentioned previously, you can get this specific update by emailing TeraByte Support.

Re: Samba unreachable from IFL running on Intel NUC D54250WY

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:06 am
by bernd.el.pan
I have just updated to release 2.94 - now IFL finds the server (manually though) and mounting network shares as backup destination works as expected - Thank you!