Problems removing a second Windows Folder

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Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by thenoo »

When I decided to move from XP to WIN 7 some time ago I initially ran a Dual Boot with both of these systems . I intended to run the XP OS until I became familiar with WIN 7 . Eventually I removed this Dual Boot and now run WIN 7 only.

I forget the details now but I must have forgotten the second Win 7 folder was still present in this now non-bootable Partition ( Partition F ) - I suppose I had XP on the C: drive at that time and WIN 7 running on Partition F .

What I would like to do now is delete this Windows Folder from the F Partition . Would this cause any problems ? Win 7 is now installed and running OK on the C: drive.

I tried to delete the Windows Folder on the F Partition and was following the directions given in the URL

" ... dinstaller"

Unfortunately all this did was delete the folder "Windows" but left the sub-Folder "winsxs" which refuses to delete because I require permission again .

Apart from formatting the F Partition , how do I get permission to delete "winsxs" ?

Since I now have permission problems here , I decided the simplest thing now is to just format the F partition but , when I attempt to do this it will not format .

How do I resolve this situation now. ?

The PC boots and runs OK . I have BIBM installed on the hard drive and , when it boots initially BIBM is indicating two Windows , provided I select the correct one here I get normal boot and normal PC working . The F drive is usable normally but still has this irremovable sub-folder ( winsxs ) of the original Windows Folder left as a result of my efforts to remove it.

I have attached a snip of the Disk Management page.
Partition Problem.PNG
Partition Problem.PNG (75.09 KiB) Viewed 11773 times
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

The F: partition is the booting partition for Windows 7. To merge it back into the Windows partition you would need to move the booting files to C: and update the BCD file. Then update the BIBM boot item for Windows 7. The steps involved are basically the same as when removing the System Reserved partition ( You would mainly just need Part 1, steps 6-12, though reading through the entire procedure is recommended.

Once you're booted back into Windows 7 you can verify in Disk Management that C: is now also System, Active. F: should then be free to be reformatted or changed as desired.
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Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by thenoo »

What is a BCD please ?
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

BCD = Boot Configuration Data
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Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by thenoo »

TeraByte Support(PP) wrote:
> The F: partition is the booting partition for Windows 7. To merge it back
> into the Windows partition you would need to move the booting files to C:
> and update the BCD file. Then update the BIBM boot item for Windows 7. The
> steps involved are basically the same as when removing the System Reserved
> partition ( You
> would mainly just need Part 1, steps 6-12, though reading through the
> entire procedure is recommended.

I have read the entire procedure as you recommended and have the following points I would like to clarify before I take the actions recommended.

1.In the example given in Part 1 of " Copy Booting Files and Configure Win 7 Partition for Booting" you call C: as the Windows Partition and E is the System Reserved(booting) Partition.

2.In my Attached Disk Management Snip could you confirm please that , in my case , The equivalent of your example System Reserved ( booting ) Partition is Partition F and C: is the Win 7 Partition ?

3. I note also that , in my case , both the F Partition and the C Partition contain the "boot" Folder and the "bootmgr" file !

Does this make any difference to the steps you recommend in the Part 1, steps 6-12 ?

If I understanf these instructions correctly , it would seem to me to be an attempt to ensure the two items are situated in the correct Partitions which already seems to be the case in my example.

Am I misunderstanding something here ?
TeraByte Support(PP)
Posts: 1682
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:51 am

Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

#2 - That's correct.

#3 - If that's the case, you shouldn't need to copy the bootmgr file. If you have a problem with copying the BCD file from F: you may need to delete the existing one on C: first and try again. However, since the files already exist you could just try editing your BIBM boot item to make the C: partition the boot partition (instead of the F: partition) and then use BIBM's BCD editor to adjust the BCD settings as required (they may already be correct). See for what settings to check.
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Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by thenoo »

Thanks for the replies.
Before proceeding further with this problem I decided to create Image files of my drives 0 and 1 using BIBM.

My first attempt was an Image of the entire Drive 0 ( i.e Partitions C and G as shown on the Disk Management Snip )

This resulted in an "Image Corrupt" error message.

My second attempt was to attempt an Image of just the C: Partition . This also resulted in the same error message.
On this attempt I selected "Log File" but do not know how to access this.

I rarely have had any problem creating Image files with BIBM . Can you suggest anything to resolve this, please ?
TeraByte Support
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Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by TeraByte Support »

yes, see

"thenoo" wrote in message news:2905@public.bootitbm...

Thanks for the replies.
Before proceeding further with this problem I decided to create Image files
of my drives 0 and 1 using BIBM.

My first attempt was an Image of the entire Drive 0 ( i.e Partitions C and G
as shown on the Disk Management Snip )

This resulted in an "Image Corrupt" error message.

My second attempt was to attempt an Image of just the C: Partition . This
also resulted in the same error message.
On this attempt I selected "Log File" but do not know how to access this.

I rarely have had any problem creating Image files with BIBM . Can you
suggest anything to resolve this, please ?

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Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by thenoo »

Before getting involved in the process detailed in , I decided to try changing the destination of the created Image Files from an External drive to one of my hard drives . This produced Image Files normally , including byte-for-byte validation. I then copied these files to the external drive. I was using an external 2 Tbte USB3 drive.

The exception to this success was that an attempt to Image the F Partition on DRIVE 0 in the Disk MGT attachment failed with a validation error. This is the drive in which I originally attempted and failed to remove the Windows Folder which I described in my original thread here.

I realise now but did not then , that my problem lay in whatever I had down to remove the original Dula Boot situation I had previously with XP and WIN 7.

I now intend to try out your initial suggestions.

Will be in touch soon.
Posts: 32
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:09 pm

Re: Problems removing a second Windows Folder

Post by thenoo »

OK , in spite of having both the bootmgr file and the Boot Folder in both the F and C Partitions , I decIded to follow Pt1 STEPS 6-12 as you originally suggested.

I am having problems uploading attachments due to unfamiliarity so I'll describe the results of these two steps as shown in the Command prompts;-

Step 8 :-
Source : f:\
Dest: c:\

Files : bootmgr

Options : /COPY:DAT /R:1000000 /W:30

1 f:\
Newer 383786 bootmgr
2012/08/10 15:50:19 ERROR 5 (0X00000005) Copying File f;\bootmgr
Acess is denied
Waiting 30 secs

mICROSOFT wIMDOWS [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved,

C:\Users\My Name\>robocopy f:\Boot C:\Boot /s

Source : f:\Boot\
Dest: C:\\Boot\

Files : *.*

Options: *.* /S /COPY:DAT /R:1000000 /W:30

7 f:\Boot\
Newer 53248 BCD

2012/08/10 15:53:39 ERROR 32 (0X00000020) Copying File f:\Boot\BCD
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Waiting 30 secs...

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Bill>bcdedit /store c:\boot\bcd /set {bootmgr} device partition=c
An error has occurred setting the element data.
The request is not supported.

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