Major Problem--Help!

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Re: Major Problem--Help!

Post by DrTeeth »

On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 17:42:56 PDT, just as I was about to take a herb,
JoRene41 disturbed my reverie and wrote:

>I don't think I was limiting partitions.

And earlier you said
>I have 2 harddrives, with **(I think)** 3 parititons on each,

With all due respect, when you get your system running again, you need
to be SURE of these things when using a program like BIBM/BING.


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
our lives; but we can always choose to dance
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Re: Major Problem--Help!

Post by jander41 »

(First, I have two logons and for some reason wasn't able to log on with the JoRene41 logon, so I used my other logon. I'm the same person.)

First, when booting with the BING disk, the option to limit partitions IS checked. (On previous reply I said I didn't think it was.) Don't know if this is relevant. Will booting from the disk show the options that were checked when last booting from the harddrive? I have always been careful not to go over the 4 partition limit. Memory of parititon number was just a bit hazy while replying earlier, but thanks for the caution.

I can see the partition where BING is installed. Can go into the edit screen and see the files, which I have not edited. But when I "upgrade" nothing happens. I do not get the BING screen when I reboot the computer and I cannot do any menu editing to get the 2 partitions I was using with Windows 8 recognized again. The bing version on the disk is the same version that is on the computer, so I'm not sure why I am getting an upgrade notice at all...shouldn't it be reactivate?

Should I delete those Win8 partitions? Delete the EMBR and start over? I would like to use BING again on his computer without booting from the disk.

Thanks again for any help.
TeraByte Support
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Re: Major Problem--Help!

Post by TeraByte Support »

When you've booted to install/upgrade, check what HD0 is and go ahead and
upgrade/reinstall, then ensure your BIOS is setup to boot that HD first. On
boot you'll see BootIt EMBRI if it's booting from the MBR that contains the
BootIt Startup followed by BootIt EMBRL once it's transfer to that boot
code, finally the please wait ... and the GUI showing (or if IT mode is
enabled, booting to the OS).

As far as Win8, it is beta, and I would surely disable "hybrid boot" to
start with to see if it takes care of your Win8 corruption problems.

"JoRene" wrote in message news:1679@public.bootitng...

I have been trying out Windows 8 using bootitng as my boot manager and Win7
as the primary OS. Suddenly today when I tried to boot back into Windows 7
(after using Windows 8), I got an error message saying there was a problem
with the boot files and I needed to repair windows. I tried the repair and
it did not work.

Then I tried booting again and did not get the bootit screen so tried to
reinstall bootit from the disk. It showed the patrition where bootit is
installed and said it had set it up (I did not get the reinstate option that
I usually get after loosing the bootit menu). When I rebooted the computer,
I still did not get the bootit menu and have been unable to get it after
several tries to reinstall bootit.

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Re: Major Problem--Help!

Post by jander41 »

Since writing below I set the computer to boot from the harddrive first and there was no change in my ability to get the BiNG screen on boot. It will not activate.

I have tried going into the Partition work setup and deleting the EMBR and
then reinstalling Bootit. I still am not getting the Bootit screen when
booting. It goes immediately to the OS. I have the EMBR on harddrive 0 and
it is at the very end of the drive, where it has always been. It seems that
it is not being "seen", as after installing, when I boot again using the
BING disk, it still gives me the Update button as the only one I can use. I
also don't get the "uninstall" option in the menus at the top, which leads
me to believe it isn't being seen as installed.

I stated in an earlier email that my Windows7 is on HD1 and that is the disk
the is booting, but that setup has worked until a few days ago with no

My computer is set to boot from a CD if one is inserted but then goes to the
harddrive. I've always had this setup and until a couple days ago have
never had problems with BING. The EMBR has always been where it is located.
I somehow think that something was changed when I tried to repair the
Windows 7 boot problems by using the Win7 disk repair option. As stated
earlier, that did not fix the problem and I was only able to recover Win7 by
restoring my IFW backup and telling it to write the bootfiles and make the
disk active.

Is there anything else I can do to get the partitions back that are now
under Windows8 but not visible...and ultimately to get back my use of BIING?

"TeraByte Support" wrote in message news:1700@public.bootitng...

When you've booted to install/upgrade, check what HD0 is and go ahead and
upgrade/reinstall, then ensure your BIOS is setup to boot that HD first. On
boot you'll see BootIt EMBRI if it's booting from the MBR that contains the
BootIt Startup followed by BootIIt EMBRL once it's transfer to that boot
code, finally the please wait ... and the GUI showing (or if IT mode is
enabled, booting to the OS).

As far as Win8, it is beta, and I would surely disable "hybrid boot" to
start with to see if it takes care of your Win8 corruption problems.

"JoRene" wrote in message news:1679@public.bootitng...

I have been trying out Windows 8 using bootitng as my boot manager and Win7
as the primary OS. Suddenly today when I tried to boot back into Windows 7
(after using Windows 8), I got an error message saying there was a problem
with the boot files and I needed to repair windows. I tried the repair and
it did not work.

Then I tried booting again and did not get the bootit screen so tried to
reinstall bootit from the disk. It showed the patrition where bootit is
installed and said it had set it up (I did not get the reinstate option that
I usually get after loosing the bootit menu). When I rebooted the computer,
I still did not get the bootit menu and have been unable to get it after
several tries to reinstall bootit.
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Re: Major Problem--Help!

Post by jander41 »

I attempted to upgrade to BootitBM in at attempt to get the Boot screen to activate and that also failed. It said it was upgrading, but then in an instant (too short, I think, to have written the files, it said it was complete. However, on rebooting the computer, no Bootit screen...just my Win7 OS. As with BING, there was no option to do anything as far as boot editing. (Is this normal when booting from the disk?)

Would it help to check the "remove BootinNG files"? I was afraid to do that in case I couldn't go back to BING when the trial ended. Of course, at this point I don't have use of BING anyway!
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Major Problem--Help!

Post by TeraByte Support »

what exactly do you see in partition work for all drives (screen shot)?
Your BIOSes isn't booting the drive it's being installed to (installing from
CD or UFD?) look in partition work and see what the first actual HD is. If
nothing else, change your BIOS to boot the other HD first.

"jander41" wrote in message news:1706@public.bootitng...

I attempted to upgrade to BootitBM in at attempt to get the Boot screen to
activate and that also failed. It said it was upgrading, but then in an
instant (too short, I think, to have written the files, it said it was
complete. However, on rebooting the computer, no Bootit screen...just my
Win7 OS. As with BING, there was no option to do anything as far as boot
editing. (Is this normal when booting from the disk?)

Would it help to check the "remove BootinNG files"? I was afraid to do that
in case I couldn't go back to BING when the trial ended. Of course, at this
point I don't have use of BING anyway!

Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:38 pm

Re: Major Problem--Help!

Post by jander41 »

Since I have this problem in two different threads, I wanted to report here, as well, that I finally got things working by just deleting the Win8 partition that was at the beginning of HD0. Once I did that I was able to get BING back when booting and could edit the menu. I will probably not try Win8 again, as it seemed very prone to corrupting the files on my disk. I've seen a few other reports of this happening. I'm very thankful for Terabyte and Image for Windows/Dos, as it saved the day, again!