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TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: BING and USB

Post by TeraByte Support »

This is where he reported that they added/fixed USB legacy mouse support.
However, ever 4 seconds he says the mouse moves down and to the right. That
says either the mouse is reporting that it's moving down and to the right,
or the BIOS is saying it moved down and to the right (the program/mouse
driver only moves the mouse cursor location based on the information the
BIOS reports). The fact that you'd loose the ability to enter information
in a field would suggest mouse buttons are also being reported as being
pressed (meaning the BIOS reported data is probably garbage or out of sync
condition). It doesn't do it within Windows so this suggests it's in the
BIOS implementation of the USB legacy support and not the mouse itself. For
one, the HID support comes through the periodic schedule, not the async
schedule, so perhaps the BIOS reports some garbage after some intervals of
the periodic schedule which causes a variable to overflow, that would be my
guess based on it moving at consistent intervals. He should reply back to
Asus tech to report it to the BIOS developers and assume he knows what he is
talking about.

"After providing information I was asked to upgrade to the latest bios

I have upgraded the bios to 2103 and it has given me control of the mouse.

however, it is not working 100%. There is a small issue that the mouse
pointer moves by itself about every 1-3 seconds. This causes problems when i
want to key something in and the pointer moves somewhere."

Bob Coleman
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Re: BING and USB

Post by Bob Coleman »

a1pcfixer wrote:
I like you, would welcome stable USB mouse support in TB BIBM/IFD etc.,
But unfortunately it's not gonna happen. For us, USB mouse support is
relagated to IFW and TBiView.
While I sympathize with the frustration here, I thought I'd mention that the mouse works fine on my HP desktop, so it does sometimes work. Not much solace for those for whom it doesn't work, I know.
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Re: BING and USB

Post by a1pcfixer »

That all sounds real good, however....the proof's in the pudding so to

Asus' response is;

"If the system and mouse work fine without the legacy application then
there is a problem in the legacy application itself. You need to check
with the vendor of that application.................A floating mouse
pointer is a software or mouse issue and not a motherboard issue"

Both sides blaming the other side. I thought this kind of bickering had
ended years ago, but here we are once again. {sigh}

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

Posts: 183
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Re: BING and USB

Post by a1pcfixer »


> While I sympathize with the frustration here, I thought I'd mention that the mouse works fine on my HP desktop,
> so it does sometimes work. Not much solace for those for whom it doesn't work, I know.

So very true!

Which is why I posted this earlier;

> As is, USB support for USB mice in TB BiNG/BIBM/IFD is so pathetic as to be
> nonexistant for the most part. Far & few get such to work reliably, so for all
> intents & purposes it don't exist. With each side blaming the other, work
> arounds (keyboard) are the only stable & reliable means of navigating TB
> products.

Since neither side can find agreement on this USB mouse issue, it'd be easier if TB states that USB mouse
support for BiNG/BIBM/IFD is unstable and to instead use solely the keyboard for navigation. Create a kb
article detailing the needed keyboard keystrokes for BiNG/BIBM/IFD and put the issue to rest.

This back & forth resembles the US Congress/Senate political back & forth each side blaming the other routine.....
.....-Or- a ping-pong game. LOL

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

Posts: 183
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Re: BING and USB

Post by a1pcfixer »


> Here is the last reply I received from ASUS

Has your contact with Asus been via eMail -or- at their support

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: BING and USB

Post by TeraByte Support »

It's not "unstable" because there is a problem with the programs, it's
simply a BIOS issue, limitations of your BIOS may prevent a mouse from
working. The back and forth is more here than with Asus, they would most
likely fix it if one of their techs reported it to the BIOS developers.

"a1pcfixer" wrote in message news:1373@public.bootitng...

Since neither side can find agreement on this USB mouse issue, it'd be
easier if TB states that USB mouse
support for BiNG/BIBM/IFD is unstable and to instead use solely the keyboard
for navigation. Create a kb
article detailing the needed keyboard keystrokes for BiNG/BIBM/IFD and put
the issue to rest.

This back & forth resembles the US Congress/Senate political back & forth
each side blaming the other routine.....
......-Or- a ping-pong game. LOL

Posts: 183
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:13 am

Re: BING and USB

Post by a1pcfixer »


> limitations of your BIOS may prevent a mouse from
> working.

In some cases I'd agree with you, but in this particular one, no. Asus
and HighSierra have proven USB mouse support on that particular board is
indeed working correctly.

> Asus, they would most
> likely fix it if one of their techs reported it to the BIOS developers.

I'd say they were already made aware by virtue of HighSierra' recent
contact with them;

"If the system and mouse work fine without the legacy application then
there is a problem in the legacy application itself. You need to check
with the vendor of that application.................A floating mouse
pointer is a software or mouse issue and not a motherboard issue"

If such USB mouse suport doesn't work correctly across the spread of
MoBo's then I'd say that qualifies most certainly as 'unstable' no matter
who we point the finger at.


Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: BING and USB

Post by TeraByte Support »

"a1pcfixer" wrote in message news:1376@public.bootitng...

>> limitations of your BIOS may prevent a mouse from
>> working.
>In some cases I'd agree with you, but in this particular one, no. Asus
>and HighSierra have proven USB mouse support on that particular board is
>indeed working correctly.

You're missing the point, it's the BIOS support, they haven't proven the
BIOS support works perfectly, in fact, it appears that it doesn't, they just
added the support (at all) in that update, they can fix their interval issue
in another update. USB controllers don't care what devices are attached to

>> Asus, they would most
>> likely fix it if one of their techs reported it to the BIOS developers.
>I'd say they were already made aware by virtue of HighSierra' recent
>contact with them;
>"If the system and mouse work fine without the legacy application then
>there is a problem in the legacy application itself. You need to check
>with the vendor of that application.................A floating mouse
>pointer is a software or mouse issue and not a motherboard issue"

It's a BIOS issue unless it was occurring everywhere, then it would be a
mouse or controller/mobo issue. That message sounds like it's coming from a
tech, not the BIOS software engineers, they would say, how do I reproduce,
then they would fix it.

Posts: 183
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:13 am

Re: BING and USB

Post by a1pcfixer »

Here's something else for all to consider regarding this USB mouse
support (prior to booting into the OS) issue;

For the first 6 months or so of getting your brand new fancy PC, we
have the highest probability of getting any 'potential' BIOS coding
issues fixed.....maybe nearly 100%

The next 6 months or so it drops to maybe less than 50% probabilty of
ever getting fixed. They're already working on the next generation of

Once your MoBo/BIOS gets to being a year old, well by then the
probability of BIOS updates drops dramatically. Might be only 25% -to-
no chance. Why? By this time they've long ago moved onto the next
generation of MoBo/BIOS. Also, by this time it's darn hard to find a
brand new MoBo the same as yours as a replacement.

By the time your MoBo/BIOS reaches 2 years old, updates are as rare as
hair on a frog! Any & all potential BIOS issues have long ago been
fixed or brushed aside by this time.

There's always that rare outside chance exception to all the above,
that you might get a PC that has high sales and you might get a
potential issue fixed beyond the first year, but don't bet the farm on

I used to do a lot of Over Clocking of MoBo's, mainly Abit MoBo's.
Those of us who did OC'ing were frequent visitors to the various MoBo
makers online forums &/or newsgroups looking for BIOS updates. As I
stated earier, we had a few that did their own BIOS uptdated coding,
but with Abit's permission. Most often such was done after a MoBo
passed being a year old.

Looking at the big picture, the grand scheme of PC's, if it can't/won't
be fixed in the first 6 months, then your odds of getting BIOS updates
goes right down the proverbial toilet!

With the overwhelming focus being on Windows, Mac, and somewhat Linux
distros, USB mouse support prior to booting into said OS just plain
isn't that important now days to MoBo mfg's. For them, if a USB
keyboard navigates their BIOS screens, and boots into the OS, they're
done. Big issues sometimes get fixed, but ya better complain loudly and
early or it's not happening.

Even though I and many others here, dearly love TB products, the simple
fact remains that navigating TB' BiNG/BIBM/IFD with a USB mouse is an
extreme crap shoot no matter who's fault it might/might not be!

If the reality of "unstable" USB mouse support is too big a pill to
swallow, then go with "unreliable". In either case our highest
probability of navigating TB' BiNG/BIBM/IFD is first & foremost best
with the keyboard. If you're one of the very few lucky souls that has a
working USB mouse, count your blessings. Because such is as rare as
finding the leprechaun's pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow! LOL

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

Posts: 183
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:13 am

Re: BING and USB

Post by a1pcfixer »


> You're missing the point, it's the BIOS support, they haven't proven the
> BIOS support works perfectly,

No I'm not, and RARELY will we ever get perfection from our PC's BIOS.

A little over 25 years ago I had my own forum (dealt with kids & pets) and
did T/S for for 5 other forums. During that time and since, I was heavy
into OC'ing MoBo's.....long before some here even had a PC.

No, this isn'y my first time to this rodeo.

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002
